Let’s be honest, we would all love to not only eat healthy ourselves, but to also prepare healthy meals for our family as well. Yet, despite our best efforts we often fall short. Why is this? Why do we often settle for fast food or pre-packed meals high in preservatives when we know this option is far worse for our health? While the answer may vary from person to person, chances are you are held back by a lack of time and lack of knowledge for how to cook healthy.
How do I know? Because this was me too!
The good news is that I, you, and our families, are not bound to eating unhealthy food for the rest of our lives! Phew!
Behold, the solution to preparing healthy meals!… One that is FAR easier than you may think?!
* Affiliate links are included in this post. All this means, is that if you click on one of those links and purchase something, I may receive a small commission. However, you will not pay a penny more- promise!
Meal Prepping
Remember that “lack of time” variable mentioned earlier? Studies show that one of the number one reasons we fail to eat healthy (along with the lack of knowledge) is because we claim we don’t have the time to prepare healthy meals. As a busy mom, I can totally relate to this claim. Life is busy and kids are demanding (when they want to eat, they want to eat!), so we often resort to whatever is quickest (think frozen chicken nuggets). Unfortunately, what is quick is most likely not what is healthy.
The answer? Meal prepping!
The notion of meal planning/prepping is likely far from foreign to you. In fact, whenever you hear about a diet or healthy eating strategy, you will hear an expert saying that “meal preparation” is key. The idea is that when you are hungry (or your kids are hungry) you will have a healthy quick grab option all ready to go.
Healthy Knowledge
So we know the need for meal preparation if we want to not only eat healthy ourselves, but for our children to do the same. However, do we know exactly what to meal prep?
In full transparency, the knowledge of eating healthy is what has tripped me up in the past. Sure, I know that fruits and vegetables are key, that protein is essential, to limit sugars, etc. However, when you are staring at a grocery store FULL of foods, this basic knowledge can only get you so far. Furthermore, there is only so many carrot sticks and apples you can consume before you get sick of the entire “healthy eating” process and resort back to the pre-packaged/unhealthy options.
So, What is the Solution?
In order to gain that very valuable knowledge about healthy cooking and turn it into endless desirable recipes and healthy meals, you better be committed to putting in the time and effort to learn. A time that if we are being honest, little of us have the energy or interest in participating in. That is why I found the perfect solution and I promise you, you will be just as astonished as I was!
I can’t say enough about how much the “Healthy Meal Planning Bundle” has been the solution for me!
This “bundle” is a 100% digital bundle. In other words, after downloading you have full access on your computer/tablet/phone. Full access, for on-the-go. Full access for prepping on vacation or at home. FULL ACCESS!
What is included?
Included in the bundle you receive: 1,072 recipes across 12 categories + 200 dessert and beverage recipes, 30+ ready-to-use meal plans with shopping lists and prep notes, 5 e-courses, 5 e-books, and 4 printable packs & workbooks!
Click HERE to read all about them and see some examples (some of my favorites shown below)!
Who created this?
In the event you are curious (because I know I was!)… this bundle is created by experts in the healthy food prep category. In other words, expert and well-respected food bloggers, etc. have all contributed to this incredible bundle with their BEST advice!
What’s the catch?
Sound too good to be true? I get it. In a world full of scams and heavy internet sales, it is hard to know what you can trust and what you can’t. If you want to be in on a little secret… I’m the biggest skeptic of all internet sales and often do my research tenfold before I ever hit that “purchase” button. However, I was incredibly comforted and almost instantly sold when I saw this bundle was provided by “Ultimate Bundles“- a highly respectable, bundle website that sells millions of bundles/e-books every year! (In fact, just last year, I contributed to the “Homemaking Bundle” myself with my 100 Coloring Pages Book- For Every Occassion & Age!)
So, as far as I can see the ONLY catch is that it costs money. (After all, wouldn’t it be wonderful if everything was FREE?! ;)). BUT… with the said, it is INCREDIBLY affordable and SO worth it. Truthfully, I can’t tell you enough how much it has changed my cooking and how much my family loves the recipes! The entire bundle is a $1,038 value and is available for just $47! WORTH IT… I PROMISE!
Want to grab your own (you WON’T regret all the healthy meals ahead)… learn more and grab it HERE!
Questions About Healthy Meals?
Feel free to ask below! I’d love to help in whatever way possible. When I find something I love I simply can’t wait to share and talk all about it!