Feeling overwhelmed with too much to do? Worried there is SO much to be done but only so little of you to go around? Stressed beyond belief? Don’t worry, you are not alone!
Below are helpful tips and tricks that help people combat that overwhelming sensation once and for all, while simultaneously tackling their (rather lengthy) to-do list!
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1) One task at a time.
When your to-do list begins to extend to multiple pages, it is easy to start and stop multiple projects. Instead, try not to dabble in too many areas at once. Giving all your attention to one task at a time will help you to check if off (not having to worry about it again) before going to the next. Not only will you complete tasks quicker, but you will also relish in the joy of checking off one item.
2) Determine what HAS to be done.
After determining what all has to be done, make sure you investigate what actually “has” to be done. In other words, address all urgent topics with upcoming deadlines putting the rest on the back-burner and future to-do list for when you are a bit less overwhelmed. Sure it would be nice to get that one particular thing done now, but not feeling completely overwhelmed is that much nicer.
3) Delegate as feasible.
While it often may seem that only you can complete things in a certain way, chances are others can complete the task for you with just a bit of direction. Additionally, those closest to you are not only willing but wanting to help whenever possible. If you aren’t opposed to delegating but fear others can complete a specific task of yours (i.e. perhaps it is specific to work and only you have the knowledge), than delegate other tasks that take very little direction or previous knowledge (i.e. cleaning the house).
4) It’s okay to say “NO”.
As much as you may hate having to let someone down, you are only human. As humans, we can only do so much. So while you may temporarily struggle with the idea of saying “no”, chances are you will be very grateful later on.
5) Ask for extensions.
Can you push that project back at all? Can that gathering with friends that you agreed to host be rescheduled for a couple of weeks from now? If at all possible, reschedule when you just have too much going on.
6) Choose a modified version.
Change up your original plan for a modified version. (i.e. If custom designing a large birthday cake for your child’s party is super important to you but you don’t have the time, perhaps create a smaller (much more feasible) cake and order a complimentary one to go with it for the remainder of your guests.)
7) Wake up early/stay up late.
You may be surprised how much extra time you achieve by waking up early or going to bed a bit later. Now, don’t be confused with limiting overall sleep. In fact, nothing is more critical than taking care of yourself with proper sleep, nutrition, etc. when you are already feeling overwhelmed or you will soon be fighting a sickness on top of everything else. However, even just waking 30 minutes earlier or going to bed 30 minutes later adds an extra hour to your day and your ability to conquer that to-do list.
8) Take advantage of the little stretches of time.
Sitting in the waiting room waiting for a doctor’s appointment?… why not use the time to make phone calls and order your food for an upcoming party. Waiting in the carpool line to pick up your little one from school?… why not use the opportunity to practice your pitch for work? We often tend to wait until larger stretches of “free-time” before we dive into our to-do list… however, often times, there are endless shorter stretches of time that can add up quite beneficially!
9) Take time to relax.
Now this may seem a bit ironic. After all, isn’t this entire list about finding time in the day to get done what NEEDS to be done… how is there possibly time to schedule relaxation? The beauty of finding time to relax/do what makes you happy is that you will likely return refreshed and ready to tackle your to-do list with that much more motivation. The best part is that relaxation time can be very brief in nature (think a bubble bath, watching a 30 minute television show, or going for a run).
10) Stay organized.
Often times we think we are beyond overwhelmed when we have a million thoughts swimming around in our head. However, when we then take the time to jot them down, we often find that our list is rather manageable. This leads to my core strategy and recommendation for how to overall cut back on feeling overwhelmed when you have just too much to do…
- Make a list of what needs to be done by jotting down a master list. Ideally break up tasks into main categories (i.e. work related, housework, party planning, etc.)
- Determine how long you have to complete the tasks. Does everything need to be done in the next week? Do you have two weeks? You will next want to get a weekly calendar or two (dependent upon how many weeks out you plan to schedule). (Download one for FREE here)
- Now, one by one assign the items on your list to a specific day (can span overall several weeks as needed). Make sure to only assign as many things per day as seems reasonable as there is no need to overwhelm yourself further.
- Now that your list is completed, stick to focusing on only one day at a time trying not to worry about the next day or week. By only focusing on the present day, you cut back on the overwhelming sensation. Once completing all the tasks in a certain day, if time allows, you can then move on to the next day ahead of time.
I’m most hopeful you will find the above tips helpful to stop feeling overwhelmed! Above all else… don’t forget to breathe and organize!
For free printables and tips to your most successfully organized year yet, check out my post here.
Loved your list, Lindsay. I wish that “they” had called OT “Life Skills Therapy” caz that’s what it really is. Now retired, I am still a chronic list maker (and such a Virgo!). I love to make 2 columns–one for “shoulds” and the other for “wannas.” I do a bunch of shoulds, then take time to do a wanna. Sometimes I can multi-task–call a friend and work on a craft project at the same time. H— used to be when the old washing machine would out of balance, the oven timer would go off, smoke detector, too, phone would ring, and of course, if you’re on the phone, there’s a kid hanging off your leg… I have so much I want to do, that I still “have” to multitask! I call it double pedaling so I can coast somewhere else! It works for me! With tasks I dread, I break them down into small increments, so I can feel righteous when I at least get components done!
Such fantastic advice, Kathy! I LOVE your 2 column idea… so simple, yet so perfect! Also… agreed with the “Life Skills Therapy”!!
I am feeling overwhelmed as I just returned from a vacation and things are piled up. I need to remember to just breathe and do one thing at a time. It will all get done eventually, it always does.
Exactly, Michele! I hope your vacation was wonderful!
Very valid points Lindsay, some days it just feels like there’s waaaayyy to much to do and soooo little time.
Exactly 😔. Hopefully the next day helps balance it all out!
With three little kids at home, I feel like the only way I can “survive” is to follow many of your tips listed. I do find that waking up earlier than the rest of the family is often a very productive time, even if it’s just 30 minutes! Visiting from Dishing It and Digging It party.
Exactly, Victoria! As hard as it is to lose out on a bit more sleep, I ALWAYS feel better about the day when I do!
Lots of helpful information here, thanks for sharing it on the Blogger’s Pit Stop. We are going to feature this post on Friday.
Blogger’s Pit Stop
Thank you so much, Kathleen! I am so grateful!
Great tips and they are so important right now for a world full of stress and tons of daily to do’s.
Thanks, Christine! So true!
Hi Lindsay,
I love your graphic. I still don’t have the art of the blur mastered or I forget to even try. I am blogging about productivity tools that help reduce overwhelm this Sunday.
Perfect, Janice! I bet they will help so many!
Creating a to-do list has really helped me to stay organized and on track. Thanks for sharing these tips.